An impact community of Bersama Adya, dedicated to empowering children through literacy. We create a fun and safe space for children to express themselves through the creation of contextual children’s books, free of charge. Bersama Adya commercializes its books to fund education-saving initiatives and create a more meaningful impact in the community.

Anak Desa Berkarya & Berdaya

a basic literacy program designed to support children’s self-development and empowerment through the creation of contextual picture books. We provide free training for children aged 6 to 12 years old who are members of the Adya community.

Global Literacy ADYA

A basic training program to improve fluency and responsiveness for cross-cultural understanding, communication, engagement, and participation in an interconnected world. We define this as global literacy. We provide free English classes, facilitated by foreigners, for the children, parents, and teachers of Adya Community members.

About Us
Empower children to improve psychological well-being through literacy
Adya Community is a community dedicated to empowers Indonesian children through literacy, fostering emotional growth and resilience. Rooted in the philosophy of Adya, meaning “a wellspring of goodness” our mission is to ignite wisdom and well-being through literacy. We create contextual picture books, crafted by children, to address mental health challenges and promote psychological well-being. By nurturing self-expression and empathy, we help children from vulnerable backgrounds build resilience and make a positive impact. Through literacy, we aim to light the path to a brighter future, inspiring children to thrive and become source of goodness for others.
Adya Community

What they say about us ?
We are grateful to see many people benefit from and be inspired by our programs and activities. We appreciate all the comments and recommendations provided by the participants, as they help us continue to improve the quality of our programs in the future.


Two junior high school students have created contextual picture books.
The two books are titled Goa Raksasa Sanggulan by Radha (Grade 3 Junior High School) and Cemcem Si Kaya yang Rendah Hari by Sani (Grade 3 Senior High School), illustrated by Kiraniya (Grade 2 Junior High School).
These two books are ready to be commercialized to provide educational savings.
Writing Class Participant of ADYA Program 2022
Two contextual stories have been created and are ready to be illustrated. One story Adventure in Search of Cemcem, has already been published and commercialized. The book Petualangan Mencari Cemcem was designated as a non-textbook that meets the eligibility requirements as an enrichment book for early childhood or elementary education, according to Decree No. 029/H/P/2023.

191 copies of the book The Adventure of Finding Cemcem have been enjoyed by children both at home and abroad. As of April 28, 2024, the book has generated educational savings amounting to Rp 859,500.
Program evaluation through Focus Group Discussions (FGD) revealed that, in addition to developing skills in writing and illustrating contextual stories, participants experienced a boost in feelings of pride and joy. The training also had a psychological impact, fostering a greater sense of self-connection among participants.